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Monday, June 9, 2014

Cosplay: Mokujin (Tekken 6)

Hey guys! Another Cosplay spam of mine!
I wanted to share about my Mokujin Cosplay. Hai! Lesh guuu~~!


 Mokujin was introduced in Tekken 3, and returned for all subsequent games (with the exception of Tekken 4).
Mokujin has no fighting style of his own. Instead, he chooses the fighting style of another character that is competing in the current tournament and uses it. Mokujin changes fighting styles after every round, although it will occasionally use the same fighting style two rounds in a row. In addition to this, Mokujin will mimic the pre-fight and win animations of whomever it is mimicking, but it will not make any sounds during them, because of its inability to speak.
Mokujin was the first fighter in the series with mimicry, with many other fighters mimicing fighting styles after that. Mokujin is the wooden version of Tetsujin, whose only playable appearance thus far is in Tekken Tag Tournament.
Mokujin's complete background aside from coming from a thousand year old oak, called out to fight supernatural evil, is completely unknown. Mokujin however confirmed that he had been around for hundreds of years and had known many abnormal powers including those belonging to Jun Kazama, and remembering who Azazel was before it could say it's title as the rectifier. Mokujin often surprises others by talking to them through telepathy (as revealed in the Scenario Campaign) as well as having his own form of communication by making sounds of something knocking on wood. He is often surprised at how humanity has always acted in times of crisis. He wonders at how humans could cause many major conflicts, but still had the power to mend things. He often judges people based on the type of spirit they give off, and he reveals that he can actually "sense" things through aura. The same cannot be said to those who generally meet him as they all think that Mokujin is nothing more than an abnormal training dummy except for a few. It is believed in past folklore that if the world would be on the brink of collapse due to the presence of a supernatural being, then Mokujin would appear. The only ones who are confirmed to have known this were WangFeng and his master, all of which revere Mokujin as something of legend. Despite being called legendary, Mokujin always wonders whether or not he is actually needed due to him being labelled as something abnormal. He does however believe that if there are people who are still fighting for a just cause and have a capable aura and spirit, then he still has purpose in the world 

Moving on! 

I wanted to share my Mokujin cosplay! Funny thing about this is well.. We were going to china during april 2013 but we heard about the flue.. or chicken flue that was spreading so we had to cancel it :<

So my mom agreed that I should just join the cosplay event here in our place. We only had a WEEK to make my costume so yeah XD Here’s how it looked like! 


Huehuehue I was so excited to wear this! :> 

With the help of my cousin which I call, Kuya Tor, we mananged to paint, stick and finish the whole costume in less than a week! Phew!
Here is how I look like when I was performing on stage! Shots were taken from different albums and from different people *bows*

I added another set of chains on the hands and legs to make it more appealing, The original mokujin has chains ^^


I actually did the GWIYOMI dance here >__< 

 I was actually shocked because I won the 1st runner up award! OMG! I was so shocked! Sadly I wasn’t there to get my prize.. ahem prize of taking a picture with Alodia Gosengfiao :<
I had to go home already since it was getting a bit late >__< 

I hope to show more of my cosplays again! Hai! Ja ne~ :3

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