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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Walk for Dogs 2014

Hi Hi! I wanted to share my experience in joining a dog show!  It was an amazing experience seeing other dog’s and their awesome breeds!
Here’s the banner of the event:

I had a lot of effort in putting up with the costume of my puppy! There were 3 categories for this event
-          - Costume
-          - Talent
-          - Look a like (pet owners)

We were allowed to join 2 categories, and only a maximum of 2 dogs per owner. I on the other hand, only have 1 so it wouldn’t be to hard for me to handle.

Plus I had my awesome friend Melvin with me.

I had to hold my baby chihuahua while Mel had to hold my cousin’s siberian husky, KING.

The meeting place was in B.U highschool grounds, where in we were going to register and have the parade going to the park.

Then we met up with other dog lovers and they were A LOT! It was so awesome seeing other breeds around, dressed up. So kawaii!

And so on! We had the parade going to the park (where the event was going to be) 

First category! We joined in the Costume category for dogs. I had made a special Kimono for flick. And for fun, I bought him some golden shoes! Hahaha It was really cute on him! (pic above)

After that, supposedly the 3rd category which was the ka look a like category for owners happened to be moved to the 2nd category! And I was like rushing to fix my costume and my baby’s costume!! 

So we came in last to perform since I had to dress up also. I am very proud of the costume that I made for Flick and Myself :D 

So after the ka look a like category came in the tricks!
Sadly we didn’t join there since I haven’t trained him yet huehuehue
Then came the awarding. Honestly, I wasn’t planning on wining or something.. just wanted to show my baby andalso the costume that I made since I had a lot of effort in to it.

Then suddenly they called my name and Flick’s name for 2nd place runner up for ka look a like category! OH MY! I was so happy and honoured at the same time. 

Well after the event I had to take flick home, and I had to go out with my awesome cosplayer bff! Melvin! Yep! He is an awesome naruto cosplayer (Tobi to be precise) He is an awesome friend, always listens to me if I have problems and so do I :D huehuehue But the thing that we love the most is FOOD! So we ate a lot and had our own treat! Small cakes at biggs! 

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