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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lens: Red Cherry Brand Lens!


Hey! It's been a while since I have blogged! 
I wanted to share a new category in my blog area.. 
I wanted to share about my new lens! Contact lens of course :3 

Brand: Cherry 
Size: 15mm
Color: Cherry Red 

Here's how it looks like! I really love how it looks like cause it looks so scary once I wear it! 


I forgot to tell you guys that I will be making A VLOG! YEP! A vlog on youtube ^^ 
It's my first time to make one and it's all about cosplay, make up tutorial and all the random - cute stuff that I will be blabbing about! @___@ 

Also I wanted to say that this blog of mine will not only be just some random cosplay blog, it will always be one of the blogs that shows of my hometown! ^^  

That's all for now at the moment! See you next blog/vlog that I have! :) 

bye bye~~

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