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Friday, May 9, 2014

Food World: Re-opening of Mister Donut in Gaisano Legaspi (Bicol)

Hey guys! Its me again! Sorry for the long long awaited post! Anyways, there were a lot of happenings in my life now a days.
The recent one was, when I was invited by my fellow blogger, sis Karen Hobi from Bicolano Bloggers <3
I was invited to blog about the re-opening of mister donut here in gaisano legaspi.
Here is my look for today! Sorry if it’s a bit long range-shot >__<
Oh btw! My hair is shorter now.. People said I look like a 16 year old girl @__@ OMGOSH! 

My outfit for today: Yarn autumn top and short denims, with a finishing touch of re


OMG I seem to be looking so chubby now a days, ah well, its also the reason why I had my hair cut. >__<  

Here is me with sis Karen from Karen Wongs Blog (Above)

Since gaisano legaspi mall was still closed, we got passes to enter for the re-opening program! It was so awesome! Here are some of the ones who joined the program and even tagged along for the opening!

Look at all the preety baloons! Sadly they were covering the name of Mister Donut :( (pic above)

Here is sis Karen with Tita Brown! (pic above)

 Here is the assembly outside the donut shop <3 (pic above)


Look at this ribbon! Yes, this is the official ribbon that was cut during the event! 

The Cutting of the ribbon (pic above) 

Some of the people who participated in the event :) 

The blessing of the crowd! <3 

 After the blessing we dig in! Lots of people were there.  
Just look at all the food that was served there! Heaven~! (^w^)/

This is Liphi! There's also a chili version of this which is found on the top of this pic <3  

Sugggoiii~~!!!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ 

These were heaven for me! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻  (pic above)

After all those heavenly things  

One of our BBR message! (sorry if its side view! *bows* ) 

I'm very happy for attending the re-opening event of Mister Donut

Here is a last picture of me, fellow bloggers sis Karen and Mam Brown!

That's all for now guys :3 Hope to blog again soon <3 


With Love~ 
Rina (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ 

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