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Friday, May 23, 2014

Bicolano Blogger's Republic Gathering

Hey guys! Another event here in Bicol! And yes, it was the Bicolano Blogger’s republic  gathering .
Also we had the invitation to go to Albay city hall since it was the 12 year anniversary of RASAGRAFIKA by Mr Ritche Asagra

The event was held in Biggs Diner Albay. Biggs diner is one of the most active partner of bbr group. Asides from MOP (my orange pulp) who also came to have a meeting together with the bloggers.

The First 10 will be receiving some awesome freebie! And also the ones who joined will also be in care of their snacks.


First of all they had to give the 10 who were the earliest to arrive.. YES I was there early XD 

OMG WAT ^ HAHAHA That forced SMILE of mine XDDD

And Here were some of the bloggers and models who also joined the BBR.

After having that random get to know you and giving freebie, we went straight to the planning of events that is soon to (attended by bloggers) and events. Sharing with us is Miss Karen Hobi from Karen Wong 

This is her site: 

It was an awesome meet up! I got to meet other bloggers, who blogged even more way back.


Even managed to meet one of the known bloggers here in bicol., Miss Apple Allison :D 

Here Blog: 


 I went to this event with a fellow photographer! Maria Beatrice Ogo.
Hope to update you guys more with blogging events and such! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for featuring me in your blog! I also love my stolen pic here. Hahaha

    Have a great day!

    Apple Allison of
