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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

BLOG: Aletheia – a Musical Concert

Hey guys! Long time no blog again! ;_; and I am trulllyyy sorry :<
Well anyways, here I am back again with my non random stuff XD

Recently I have attended another BBR event!

I was invited by Ms. Karen from BLOG ( )

The details of the event which I invited were:

“The UST alumni group in Bicol called the Tomasinong Bicolano proudly presents Aletheia – a Musical Concert which brings world class music to Bicol through the UST Singers. The concerts in the cities of Naga and Legazpi are scheduled, as follows:

January 9, 2015 (7:00pm)
The Tent, Avenue Plaza Hotel, Naga City

January 10, 2015 (7:00pm)
La Piazza Hotel, Legazpi City

The Aletheia (Latin: Veritas; English - Truth) Concert is a homage to and proclamation of Truth through music. It will showcase the cultural talents of the UST Singers. Aletheia also means unconcealment. It aims to gather UST Alumni – working and residing in the Bicol Region, towards greater consciousness of the Tomasinong Bicolano in the spirit of SIMBAHAYAN, that is, Tomasinos para sa Simbahan, Bahay at Bayan.
Finally, the Aletheia Concert targets to raise funds for the Simbahayan Projects, a concrete response to Pope Francis’ call to serve those at the margins of society, particularly in Camarines Sur. “
Taken from Ms Sam Brown a fellow Bicolana Blogger/Friend and Tourism Enthusiast as well :>
We, blogger’s attended the event that January 10 (7pm) at La Piazza Hotel, Legazpi City.
Usually I don’t go out that late because I’m a lil girl in a big worrllld~ teehee~ But mom knew about the event so she let me join along.

With my autumn attire I was ready to go! :3 I actually made the flower headband in my hair and actually ditched it before I went to the event. It seem's it was inappropriate to wear it to the event. (And I was right XD)

When I got to La Piazza I met up with my other fellow blogger’s such as Ms Karen,  Mr.  Joseph Glenn and also sis Goldmyrr

We looked for a good seat to watch and blog about the event, so we have chosen somewhere near a screen :> It was actually hella cold inside La Piazza and I am soooo thankful that I had the veil that mom lend me, she is such a life saver!

As the show was starting we had the national anthem and also the UST anthem which UST goers or alumni’s sang. (Those who stood up in the Picture are Alumni's or graduates of UST) 

After they sang the UST anthem, opening remark’s where given by some of those who joined the tour and also those who sponsored the main event.

 After they sang the UST anthem, opening remark’s where given by some of those who joined the tour and also those who sponsored the main event.

Then came in the UST Singer’s came.
I was so thrilled seeing them and looked at their costumes. I, as a costume designer loved their patterns with their costume and also they looked stunning beyond compare! 

And it’s not just their costumes that are alluring but when I heard them starting to sing. Oh my goodness, it’s UN- explainable.
If I had to compare their voices, I would compare them to the opening song from FROZEN or LION KING.
The ambiance of them singing in front of us (the crowd) is different from when you’re watching or hearing in the t.v or in a radio. It’s actually breath taking. 

Not only they sang about Disney related songs but also they sang Philippine old songs from the north.
Asides from their voices, they’re performance was outstanding!
I do give my applause to the maestro who played the piano and also did his job!

Sadly it was getting a bit late, yes I left earlier than expected since the next day I had to go to NAGA to do some business :<

But I had an awesome time with my fellow blogger’s and meeting the other blogger’s!
I’d also like to talk (special mention! ^.^) Ate Goldymrr for this awesome BBR t-shirt!

I’ll be blogging more soon again! Stay tuned!


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