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Saturday, July 12, 2014


Hi hi! I wanted to update you guys with another MTO porject!

It’s a kawaii hoodie! :3
I Was so busy for the past few days due to school but I finally had the free time to make a new blog! :3


Here’s how the design looked like! The client sent me her fabrics so yeah, it was just the labour that I had to charge in :3  


Here's how it looks like without the face yet. The jacket has 2 layers of fabric including the inner, making it warm and comfy to wear. <3 


I couldn’t make the exact copy of the face, the teeth to be precise, It was not good to use normal thread (jacket thread) since they won’t be visible. 

Here’s the pocket version. Actually, when I look at it, the client wanted to have the pockets in the lower area of the jacket, but in stitching it’s going to be hard and it needs a bigger space. In a way when you see some varsity hoodies the front view buldges more. 

So I had to make it simplier.   

It looks so adorable actually! :3 


It's already done and ready for packaging! :3 

VIA LBC >__< 



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