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Sunday, August 3, 2014

MTO: White Rock Shooter

Hello! I wanted to share with you again another MTO set that I made. And It's one of my fav's! 
I had shot this cosplay of mine with an Australian Photographer. 


GAME/ANIME: Black rock shooter THE GAME

Okay!  Let's start with the Jacket! 

 I have used SATIN fabric. It's the shiny kind of fabric, good for gowns and such :) 
I have also used katrina fabric for the stars (small in the front and huge one in the back) 
NOTE: I had to use JACKET Zippers here. The jacket zippers are a bit more big than the ordinary zippers used for wallers and such :) and its more visible!

Here is the back view,

Here is the side view of the jacket with black stripes.

And here are the arm warmers! :)

Here's how they look like.. They are made of spandex fabric, the one that stretches? and is used for varsity jackets :) 

Here's how the shorts looks like. 

Again I had to use black buttons BUT different zippers. Not the same ones that I used on the jacket. But the simple zippers that we use for wallets and such :) 

I actually wasn't impressed about my shorts. WHY? I have this tendency to get fat *_* so when I had my measurements, I was still thin, then I got chubby over time :(( OMFG XD 
And I have an enormous BUTT so yeah, You can see the shape of the butt in this shorts. BUT sadly I was not impressed of what I have done with the black linings! >:( 

It was supposed to be a bit wide than a thin lining :< 

Here's how the legs are. I forgot to take a picture of the white spandex stockings, which was a bit see through. 

 Here's how it looks like. :)

Here's the when worn one :) Yes That's me >////

As you can see I forgot to had the white stockings there T_T my bad~~ 

The props where made by a friend of mine :)


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