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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

MTO: Konata Izumi seifuku Top (top part)

HALLO! I am rina! *giggles* Just copying the baymax activation! 

Anyways, I had a Client that asked me to MTO the seifuku of Konata Izumi (the summer version? i think XD)  


Character: Konata Izumi 
Anime:  Lucky Star 


  • White Katrina Fabric
  • Blue Katrina Fabric
  • Yellow Satin 

I have used the yellow satin for the ribbon part of the seifuku :) 
It's better to have some contrast of fabrics in a costume to make it more alluring and more comfortable to wear and look at :3 


Here's how it looks like from the back. I wanted to put some shape into it, make it look good for the one who will wear it ^^ 


For normal seifuku's, we follow up on the traditional button designed uniform. Using up Katrina Fabric for the base uniform. 


This is the back part <3 


The Sleeves with a small puff  :3 

As for front view the ribbon is DE-attachable since I had it pinned up with a normal pin. 

The Client asked me only to do the top part since she had the skirt already >< Which was okay for me :) 

More MTO's to come! :) 

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